As you already guessed it, I don't wash my hair every day for couple of reasons. First reason: who on earth has time to wash their hair everyday? Second reason: I am trying to grow out my hair, and from my research and experience, my hair seems to be growing faster and thicker if I don't wash it every day. However I strongly dislike looking like coconut oil got dumped on my head... well today it totally looked like that, and that's the reason why today was the day for me to make this awesome Dry Shampoo. It super easy to make and use, and I have no doubt you are going to love it!
So here is what you gonna need:
2 TBSP Corn Starch
2 TBSP Unsweetened Cocoa powder (*for blond hair skip cocoa powder)
5-6 drops of your favorite essential oils (NOTE: I recommend using only Young Living Essential oils. To get yours, simply follow this link:
or if you would like to learn more about essential oils feel free to e-mail me at and I will gladly chat about oils with you)
Add Corn starch and Cocoa powder into a glass jar close the lid and shake it well to incorporate the ingredients.
Open the lid and add the essential oils. Close the lid and repeat the shaking process. You can add some music and a little dance too... :)
Store your Dry Shampoo in an airtight container.
Here's how to use it:
1. Dip your make up brush into your Dry Shampoo and tap off excess on the edge of your container. With your brush, apply the Dry Shampoo to the roots in the areas where your hair tends to get oily.
2. Brush your hair from root-to-tip to help distribute the Dry Shampoo.
3. Let it settle in, wait 5-7 min to let the dry shampoo absorb the oil from your hair. And then style as usual.
Enjoy your oil free hair again!
love, Lesya