Wednesday, June 24, 2015


      With the latest news on sunscreens, I don't trust the commercial ones anymore. Today I had a little fun time, and whipped up my own. I feel so blessed to be able make my own personal hygiene items, and know what exactly is going on my skin, my husband's skin and our kids' skin.
      Here is what you will need to make your own waterproof sunscreen:
 - 1 cup coconut oil
 - 4 TBSP beeswax
 - 2 oz (by weight) zinc oxide
 - 20 drops carrot seed essential oil
 - 20 drops lavender essential oil
 - 10 drops frankincense essential oil or myrrh essential oil
 *** I recommend using only Young Living essential oils! You can get yours here:

In double boiler or a pan with a glass dish on top, melt coconut oil and beeswax together.

When beeswax and coconut oil are done melting, pour into your food processor and turn it on. Mix
for about 60 seconds. 

Stop food processor, scrap down the sides of the food processor. Add zinc oxide and mix for another 60 seconds. Stop and scrap the sides again. This time add the essential oils. 

Mix for another 30 seconds and you are all done! Transfer your sunscreen into glass jars or squeezable containers. 
Enjoy the sunshine without toxins! 

                                                                                                                                 love, Lesya

Thursday, June 18, 2015


     Few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to photograph my friend's kids. It was so much fun to watch these two brothers and the bond they share! Despite their big age difference, I think, these two will grow up to be BEST FRIENDS!


          Our sweet boy Adrian turned tow years old... it is so much fun and a blessing to watch this little guy grow. At two years of age Adrian loves to sing. His favorite song is "Old McDonald had a farm" and he absolutely enjoys worship! On our car rides he tries to follow along the worship songs playing on CD player, at church he doesn't go to nursery until after worship is done. Adrian also knows how to count to 10, and sometimes attempts to sing an ABC song (of course it's far from perfect). Adrian's favorite toy, as of right now, is his lawn mower/bubble dispenser, dinosaur and his toy tools. Adrian loves playing with Duke and spend time outdoors playing with a water. Over all Adrian is a happy, loving little guy.
          Last Sunday we had a little family birthday celebration for Adrian. It was great time seeing our family and Adrian had so much fun playing with his cousins! I planned a little camping themed party... however, do to me getting sick, it was a bit scaled down, and we didn't get to do all the "camping fun" I planed. Nevertheless we still have lots of fun celebrating.
          Happy Birthday our sweet Adrian! We love you!

Monday, June 8, 2015


       Ever since our family started our oily journey, I have been looking into a few personal hygiene products I use, and the ingredients in them... to my shock, I found out that, just about every conventional deodorant has a main ingredient of aluminum. Which has been linked to breast cancer in women. So immediately, I started looking for an alternative. Unfortunately, I did not find anything close to what my search was for. That is why I decided to make my own deodorant. It is always nice to know every single element that goes on and in our bodies. Enjoy this recipe!

5 Tbsp Coconut oil
4 Tbsp Baking Soda
4 Tbsp Arrowroot powder
5 drops of Lime EO
5 drops Peppermint EO
** you can substitute the essential oils mentioned above, for any of your favorites**

-Carefully mix first three ingredients with a hand mixer. Do it very slowly, because the powder dust will rise up in the air...
-When the first three ingredients are mixed well, add the essential oils and mix again.
- Transfer your deodorant into an empty deodorant container or glass jar.

NOTE: I recommend using only Young Living Essential oils.
To purchase your Essential oils follow this link:

                                                                                                            love, Lesya

Thursday, June 4, 2015


        In a two short weeks, my little man will be turning 2! To say that I am sad, is an understatement! Where did my baby go? Where did the time go? I wish, I can slow down the time... and keep my sweet boy just a little longer as a baby...
        Despite, my "mom hormones" reacting all sorts of crazy to my child growing, I am very proud to be mama of this little handsome fella! In the past two years, Adrian has been nothing but a blessing to our family. He brings so much joy into every single day.
        Right before we had Adrian, I wondered if my heart will be able to love him as much as I love his sister... Well, the minute he was born, I knew that mom's heart is capable of loving equally as many children, as God would provide. This mama's heart sure can love two cuties, oh so strong!
        At almost two years, Adrian is one little human with lots of character. His new favorite thing as of right now, is to sing. And oh my, can this sweet boy sing! His voice is so sweet, and he seems to be right in tune with the melody every single time. He loves to worship in the car. As soon as we get into the car, he screams "mama music!" His favorite song before nap time or bedtime is "Twinkle, twinkle little star". He also likes to sing "ABC" song to his ability, and he knows how to count to 10. Yep, the counting part shocked me too! One day, I was folding laundry, and this little guy started counting undies (he he), and he did not make any mistakes, counted to ten like a pro. Bible story before bedtime is a must. He will not go down for the night, if we don't read Bible. And that makes me happy! I hope, he will always do that...
      Overall, Adrian is a very happy and healthy toddler, and we are oh so blessed to have him in our lives.

       Since last year, I totally forgot to write a post on his first birthday party, I think it would be appropriate to share some photos before his second birthday. Enjoy!

We love you our sweet boy! 

                                                                                                            love, Lesya