Here is what you will need to make your own waterproof sunscreen:
- 1 cup coconut oil
- 4 TBSP beeswax
- 2 oz (by weight) zinc oxide
- 20 drops carrot seed essential oil
- 20 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops frankincense essential oil or myrrh essential oil
*** I recommend using only Young Living essential oils! You can get yours here:
In double boiler or a pan with a glass dish on top, melt coconut oil and beeswax together.
When beeswax and coconut oil are done melting, pour into your food processor and turn it on. Mix
for about 60 seconds.
Stop food processor, scrap down the sides of the food processor. Add zinc oxide and mix for another 60 seconds. Stop and scrap the sides again. This time add the essential oils.
Mix for another 30 seconds and you are all done! Transfer your sunscreen into glass jars or squeezable containers.
Enjoy the sunshine without toxins!
love, Lesya